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You're viewing V8 Supercars 3 : Create And Race Cheat Codes

Game Name : V8 Supercars 3 : Create And Race
System : Nintendo DS
Date Added : 2007-09-01 02:07:47
Views : 22642
Pro Tour mode
Pro Tour mode 100% completion in World Tour mode.

Cheat Mode
Enter the codes under Extras/Codes
942785All Challenges
761492All Championships
112337All Rewards
611334Easy Steering
171923Free Drive
374288Miniature Cars
467348MM View
505303No Damage

Track designer unlockable parts
You can purchase extra parts to use in the track designer in the rewards shop.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Street styleBeat tier 13
Track pieces 9-32Purchase 'street style'
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